Football Coaches Serving!
Fri, 2015-06-26 05:00
News Staff
It was amazing to witness the effort and unselfishness of high profile coaches coming to the aid of the Mounted Warfare Foundation’s inaugural gala, “Homecoming for Heroes”. This effortbrought attention to the Mounted Warrior Museum. These coaches paid their own way and gave of their precious time without asking for anything in return. Philippians 2:4 says, “Not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” Many people gave unselfishly, without asking for publicity, to assist in this event. Why would they help? These coaches understand a museum of this nature will honor our past, present and future men and women serving to preserve our freedom. David Bailiff, head coach at Rice University; Larry Coker, head coach at University of Texas at San Antonio; Chad Glascow, defensive coordinator for the “2014 Big Twelve Co- Champions” TCU; Chris Morgan, offensive line coach for the Atlanta Falcons and former ‘Dawgs tight ends coach; Spike Dikes, “Hall of Fame” former Texas Tech coach; Steve Crosby, former NFL coach; Cotton Davidson, “Texas Sports Hall of ame” and former assistant at Baylor; Don Davis, former West Texas State University head coach;Larry Harmon, 2014 “ASC Champion” UMHB defensive coordinator; and Gary Bartel, former coach of Charles Tillman at Louisiana-Lafayette, were some of the guests at the function. They drove in from Houston, El Paso, Fort Worth, while Chris flew in from Atlanta. Each of these men shared a word about the importance of supporting our military and the museum project. The event was a first for the Mounted Warfare Foundation and it was ahuge success. The auction raised thousands of dollars. Items such as an autographed Ted Nugent guitar, BB King guitar, hunting packages; footballs, helmets and sideline packages from the major colleges and many more prestigious items. The event brought awareness to the museum and raised thousands of dollars. Why did these coaches make such an effort to assist with this event? What did they have to gain from helping out? They had the satisfaction of knowing they stepped up to the plate helping a worthy cause. Coach Bailiff made a special effort to call me and say he is “all in” for futureevents and will help even more! There were many people who helped pull off this highly successful event. It all started with the leadership of Retired General Paul Funk and MWF Director Bob Crouch. Fund raiser Huey Donahue, Copperas Cove Coaches Tracy Welch, Tracy Ranes and Reb Brock, publicist David Morris, event coordinator Jack Smith, advisor Todd Smith, master of ceremonies Joe Lombardi, table organization Sherry Hoffpauir, ticket coordinatorConnie Kuehl, Director of Killeen Civic and ConferenceCenter, Refuge Ministries Russ Cochran and helpers and many others (too many to name in this article) made this event run smooth. The event was held at SC River Ranch, owned by Ted Smith, in Oakalla. This ranch is beautiful and equipped to handle such occasions. There was plenty of parking and table space. The icing on the cake was the other dignitaries that attended the event; wounded warrior Shilo Harris, parachutist Dana Bowman, parents of the current ‘Dawgs in the professional anks (Charles “Peanut” illman, Robert Griffin III, JoshBoyce and Brelan Chancellor) and several politicians including Roger Williams, Sid Miller andMolly White. I get goosebumps when I think of the words Don Davis said, when he was introduced and asked to say a word. He said, “Many people sleep and dream life is joy, they awake and find life is duty, the soldier acts and discovers duty is joy.” Thought for the week, “The best antidote I know for worry is work. The best cure for weariness is the challenge of helping someone who is even more tired. One of the great ironies of life is this: He or she who serves almost always benefits more than he or she who is served.” Gordon B. Hinckley